Tuesday 27 September 2011


Both these videos represent my concept of editing which will be my main content throughout the video, these videos show this by using the same editing which involves matching an action to a different background.

These pictures represents the them of the narrative which is rejection.

These pictures represent the style of clothing i want my artist to have, a quirky mods and rockers them, which will follow throughout the mediums.

Class Feedback On Presentation

After presenting my pitch we had to also have a focus group session where people give feedback on my pitch and say how it could be improved or put new ideas into my head.
The class thought that my presentation was good and they thought that my ideas were original, once they understood what sort of editing i was doing. During the feedback session the group ask me a lot of questions regarding who will be my main artist and who will play the others roles, this is something iv not really thought about, so this focus group has made me think of who to play curtain roles. They also ask questions on locations and where a curtain scene of a man proposing will be, they reminded me that i would also need permission from a restaurant if that was the location i chose. One class mate said that i could get inspiration from a video such as Two Door Cinema Club - 'What You Know'.This video represents my editing idea very clearly, and i am glad my class mate showed me this because i can take inspiration from it.

Having a focus group meant that i could get clear feedback on my presentation, their answers that they gave me could be very detailed and more easier and informal which would make them more comfortable to give feedback and express there thoughts. But overall the class didnt give me enough feedback on my idea they didnt really state what i could improve, just asked me questions surrounding it.

Monday 26 September 2011

Week 2 Blog

This week me and Noor have been doing our pre production, we had to allocate job roles outlining who will be responsible for each job during each stage of production. Me and noor desided that during the production that i will be the main artist in the video and she will be the director, due to us not knowing what jobs there are during the post production we couldnt allocate jobs, but one of the jobs which is editing we are both going to do together. This week i had to upload my filmed presentation and have it analysised, saying how the focas group helped gain knowledge. I also finished my beachcobming which shows my devopled idea of my music video and what videos and pitchures represents it.

Me and Noor also had to conduct a quationaire on surveymonkey outlining a clear audience profile, 18 people took part in the survey. The questionaire results were very inlightening one of which we was that the people thought  thought that the artist should wear chinos with ironic funnty top with flat shoes, me and Noor both thought that the artists would have more of an mods and rockers style slash indie but i surpose the look that was most popular is more up to date and it steal has a indie theme which we want throughout.

This week i have started my analysis of three products from each medium, which means would have to find three examples for each medium, each example has to be spilt up into nine screen shots. I am half way through analysising the music videos. In this i have to include contruction of the represenation, the genre conventions and the narrative. I am doing It in the style of 'artofthetitles' which is liked very much by the examiners.

Overall this week has been very productive trying to complete the pre-production jobs, next we will hopefully have everythinh finished. Next week we have to do a final treatment and production schedules and call sheets.

Week 1 Blog

Once we found our copyright free music, which we had to find three. We then had write a 25 word description on each one saying what the music video would be about and how it would be filmed. Once we did this we then had to pick our favourite and make a power point presentation that we would later pitch to our class mates.

Over the summer holidays we got set work to complete a pitch, that would show are ideas on my music video and how it would relate to our audience. We also had to show what content would be included in our video and give examples, i chose to have a editing technique and used Rizzle Kicks - 'Down With The Trumpets' as my example. We also had to find a copyright free song and get permission to use it. The pitch also had to include the locations of where we would film, i also included a description of the song and what genre it comes under. 
When we got back school from summer we then had to present our presentation to our class, the pitch was filmed and so was the feedback which followed after.We then had to watch the feedback and write up and get examples from what the group thought could improve my music video. 

In conclusion over the some holidays i learnt how to make full in depth analysis of music videos and how music videos can represent a curtain branding. Doing this exercise i also discovered how to find copyright free music.  

Thursday 15 September 2011

Pitch for music video

Pitch for video

25 Words For Music video

Uncopyrighted music No.1

The video will be a performance with a band, using instruments. It will also include visual graphics and typography to suit the nature of the song with uses many synths.

Uncopyrighted music No.2

This video will be mainly narrative, based upon a break up from a women's point of view it will also have the artist performing looking out of a vehicle.

Uncopyrighted music No.3

This video will be a narrative storyline based on a man getting ready to purpose and gets rejected, there will also a  be an edit to match the artists actions to different backgrounds, it will also include a band performance behind coloured backgrounds.