Wednesday 30 November 2011

Week 12 Blog

This week is the penultimate week before digipak and magazine advert deadlines, so i spent most of my time finalising and getting feedback to finally complete our added items. 

At the start of the week i got feedback from my piers in relation to the magazine advert, the feedback i got was constructive and they said that the layout needed to be changed because it seemed more like an magazine cover rather than an advert. So i moved about quotes and realised i needed the digipak to be in the magazine advert e.g. a screen shot of it to show what the consumers are buying.

This is what our magazine advert looked like at the start of the week but i have now made changes and it looks more presentable, and more like a advert I done this by showing the digipak in the bottom left corner to show what the consumers are buying, it also shows consistency that both of the items match.

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