Sunday 2 October 2011

Week 3 Blog

This week was less productive due to other homework from subjects, but this week we learnt more about two of the three mediums. First of all we learnt how magazine posters can relate to the audience so they feel associated with the artist, an example we looked was Britney Spears selling perfume. It had a theme of freedom and nature which can appeal to a female audience.
We also learnt that an audience can relate to an artist due to the poster that he or she is using or wearing the product which can make the audience buy it thinking they have something in common with the artist and have a closer connection.

We also learnt about different types of CD case e.g. Square, rectangle digipaks. The CD can have different folds, nets, which depends on the content which will be included, the more content included the more folds needed.

Also this week i have been finishing analysising three mediums. I chose videos that represent different themes. This week we also plan to finish our production schedules and callsheets together.

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