Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Week 12 Blog

This week is the penultimate week before digipak and magazine advert deadlines, so i spent most of my time finalising and getting feedback to finally complete our added items. 

At the start of the week i got feedback from my piers in relation to the magazine advert, the feedback i got was constructive and they said that the layout needed to be changed because it seemed more like an magazine cover rather than an advert. So i moved about quotes and realised i needed the digipak to be in the magazine advert e.g. a screen shot of it to show what the consumers are buying.

This is what our magazine advert looked like at the start of the week but i have now made changes and it looks more presentable, and more like a advert I done this by showing the digipak in the bottom left corner to show what the consumers are buying, it also shows consistency that both of the items match.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Week 11 Blog

This week i mainly spent time making additional photoshop items such as production logo and record label logo, i done this to make our production more professional, and i also needed a record label logo on our digipak.

When making the production logo, i wanted it to fit in with our street London theme, so the background was a brick wall and the font of the title was graffiti, which relates to our video which had shots of New Cross which had plenty of graffiti.

This week I also adpated the the other items such as digipak and magazine advert, last week the digipak's photo's were all from the new cross photoshoot, after feedback i thought it would be best to screen shot images from our music video to complete parts of our digipak.

20th November Call Sheet

12th November Call Sheet

5th November Call Sheet

3rd November Call Sheet

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Template of 6Part Digipak

Final Magazine Advert Template

Week 10 Blog

The productivity during this week was split between Noor and I. She handled all the editing whilst working parallel, I took responsibility for the digipak and the magazine advert.

This week my main ogendure was to work on the templates of the digipak and magazine advert, every stage of the production I ask constructive feedback from my teachers, once they give their opinion i make changes depending on what they said. During this week we went to New Cross to complete the rest of our filming and we also produced a photoshoot there, because most of the digipak and the main image on the magazine advert involves having them pictures. So once had them pictures I implemented them into our items.

This was the first template of our digipak i included all the photo's of the photoshoot in New Cross once we gain other images from the music video i will add them in for continuity.

 These two magazines adverts are contrasting this is what it was like at the start of the week, but now with the edition of new photo's I was able to make it more contemporary with our artist theme.


During this week on Friday we received class feedback on the progress of our music video. We gained mainly positive feedback, but because there was such little there in regards to content, it was difficult for people to explain and be specific with their suggestion and opinion. I plan to ask for their insight again later during this following week, once I start using the footage from New Cross, London. 


  • Good range of shots and accurate filming.
  • Good camera movement and framing.
  • Cutting to the beat has been carried out well.
  • The idea of Sam ducking down and then coming back up again is creative.
  • Use of location makes it visually appealing.
  • The costume change works well with the style of the video. 


  • The lip syncing needs to be timed better.
  • More shots are needed.
  • The pace of editing feels a little slow in comparison to the song.
  • The narrative isn't fully clear. Is the artist a part of the narrative or separate? 
  • More facial expressions from Sam.
  • Camera movement too fast, the pans need to be slower.
After receiving all the feedback, I have planned to film the guitar shots with no movement to give the viewer a 'visual break' from all the constant panning. The aims for next week is to edit accurately and make Sam's lip movement match the song, to film the very last shots with Rajiv's guitarist, to edit chronologically and lastly to start adding more shots to the beginning of the video.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Week 6 Blog

This past week myself and Noor created an inaccurate Digipak template and booked ourselves in for a photo shoot session in the media room studio. We had to create an inaccurate example of our Digipak. Due to the fact that we haven't filmed in those locations, we have used previous images from my Independent and further research into mise-en-scene. Once after we have filmed we will create another rough template of how we want our digipak and magazine advert to look, then we will begin to complete our final ancillary products. The pictures we have taken during this week will be edited as soon as we come back to school on the 31st of October. 
Whilst I create the final Digipak and Magazine advert in Photoshop, Noor will use Final Cut Pro to edit what we have filmed so far. We will work together at the same time on both projects so we can have each others opinion and consent whilst making a particular decision it will also mean we will be efficient and get more of our tasks done. 

During the photo shoot this week we had a problem, but nothing serious we did not overcome. The problem was dealing with the shadows created by me and all the lights. Majority of the time my partner Noor spent trying to reduce as much shadow as possible, until we came to the conclusion that we can use photoshop to edit the prominent shadows out of the pictures. 

An issue we ended up facing was how we were unable to use the photo shoot pictures for the rough template of our final Digipak or Magazine advert. This does not slow us down as we still have our initial hand drawn template to use as guidance, but it does put us at a slight disadvantage. We were helpless in the matter because we had planned to film and take more pictures during the half term holidays, and our entire marketing scheme for our ancillary products relies on the pictures from the 'London Filming' days, which we have not tackled just yet. 

This following week we have our half term holidays, where Noor and I plan to film the majority of our narrative section in the shooting script.We have planned to film for three days, one day we will cover the narrative between Soraya and Talha(Pictured), one day will cover all the shots of me in Hainault forest and hopefully if there are no difficulties and Harry Maxwell is free, we will cover his shots in Hainault forest as well of him playing the guitar (This can be done in the same day we film me but to be on the safe side we have set another day aside for him.)
Harry Maxwell suits the look we are going for as well because he has a casual indie style to him which suits what we're aiming for.

Week 7 Blog

This past week has been half term and so far this has been the week with the most problems encountered. The targets from last week were not completely met. The plans for this week were that we complete the majority of the shooting script and film as much as possible. We divided the filming into two days- the 27th of October and the 28th of October. We had the intentions of filming in hainault forest and also complete all the London shots in central near the Thames. 

My availability was also limited on this day, meaning it would be pointless for my partner to attempt filming if we would not be able to record anything. The following day unfortunately one of the actors, Talha, cancelled due to some family problems.

Due to my unavailability Noor took it upon herself to film with Soraya. She was only able to film six shots all together because there were hardly any moments in the shot list where Soraya would be by herself. We were disapointed as we was unable to film the desired amount of shots this week. My partner Noor tried her best to communicate and get responses from all the actors needed, but unfortunately they were either very sparse in response or did not reply at all. Guitarist, Harry has not responded through any new media communication or any social networking sites so we may need to recruit a new giutarist.

This following week my targets are:
To finish the shots we intented to do over the half term 
To contact Talha and see if he will be able to help with the music production.
To complete anything I may have overlooked in my own time and upload.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Week 8 Blog

We planned to film on the 1st of November2nd of November and the 3rd of November to cover shots of me in Hainault Forest, Studio shots and flashbacks that our narrative male has with his girlfriend. We obtained all the shots from Hainault that we needed, although due to the difficulty of finding a guitarist willing to film, we were unable to record any guitar playing at the forest. We had to reconsider where we would film the guitarist playing because of the accessibility of getting to Hainault forest.

During the filming at Hainault forest, we had to change a few shots, such as me walking up a hill, lip syncing at the same time. We replaced this shot with me sitting on the hill with my legs folded up to his chest just as i had sat in our photo shoot. This was done because the outcome of the shots whilst walking up the hill were resulting too shaky and completely unusable; we thought about the photo shoot we had done earlier and what positions he had been photographed in, so we could later match the same picture with his position in the forest, to have a faint line of continuity between the digipak and Music video. 

Before Saturday 5th of November, we had not covered a large portion of the locations listed in our shooting script. Me and my partner are very keen on using all the locations planned to represent the artist, however we feared that we may need to change a few of the planned locations. 
This week development with the digipak and magazine advert has been progressing along with every filming session. I have been editing the ancillary products during lessons, to which my partner gave her input and opinion. At the moment we only have rough templates because we need to complete the final 'metal door' shoot. Our byproducts revolve around pictures which need to be taken in front of the graffiti wall we planned to shoot in front of. We would have done this during the school week, however the location is in new cross; as it is so far, we have been unable to film there on weekdays and have planned to film next week Saturday. 

The filming session on the 5th November revolved around filming the Narrative in London. There were a few issues, such as not being able to use the picnic blanket on the grass; it had been raining during the morning and the weather seemed too dreary and illogical to have a picnic in. Instead, my partner replaced the shots, 52, 53, 54 from the shooting script, of them using a picnic blanket with more mid shots and close ups as well as long shots depicting the mise-en-scene. The dreariness of the day ended up working in favour for us, as the grey weather added to the emotion and depressing effect of the 'rejection shots'.

There were florist shots which we had not covered but we ended up filming them at Liverpool st station. At first we asked permission from the florist at the station who directed us to the national rail office to gain official permission from the manager. We had a 20 minute wait and discussion and eventually gained the permission to film at the station with the condition we do not obstruct any one.
The targets for this week are to complete the shooting script and film on the 12th of November along with beginning to edit and creating the final template for the magazine advert.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Call Sheet 1st November

Call Sheet 28th October

Call Sheet 27th October

Digipak Template

Unfortunately because most of our images on the Digipak are based around an area we have not filmed at yet, we were unable to provide an accurate demonstration as to how the final template will look. However we have filled in a very rough template with a few images which represent our artists brand. 
My partner spoke to me about how i would feel in adding a 'behind the scenes' bonus feature and a 'photo shoot special' onto the Digipak. To demonstrate an outline of what the 'Behind the scenes' feature would be like, she will film and edit a short example in her own time of what it would be like.