Wednesday 13 July 2011



Wednesday 6 July 2011

Time line of Music video.


This was one of the oldest music videos, which was sung by Bessie Smith. This was sung live and couldn't  overlay music over the film, this shows the lack of technology and the difference of how music videos are now edited.


With the introduction of 'Top of the Pops' this created the same intention of what a music video, which is to promote a song. This meant that many artists appeared on 'Top of the Pops' to raise awareness of there song.


The introduction of MTV, meant that many videos could be publicized on tele, this meant that record labels would have to now create a visual image of the artist. This also meant that artists could show there views and how they want to portray the video. The first video shown on MTV was 'Video Killed The Radio Star'

With the introduction of MTV, record labels wanted to create memorable videos that will promote the song, and still today the music video 'Thriller' by Micheal Jackson is still remembered today. Having music videos meant that many people had to take care in how they were portrayed in videos, there is a disclaimer put in saying that the views shown in the video is not one of Michael Jackson.


In the early 90's a new genre of music arrived which evolved the music videos this was called punk rock, the video above changed how punk rock was seen, the band were shown playing a gig this created many bands copying this trend.    

In the late 90's pop rose again like it did in the 80's, but became more cheesy and attracted a younger audience. Many of the music videos were very cheesy and related to a young audience an example of this would be Britney Spears song which main mise en scene was a school theme.


In the mid 10's punk rock videos changed from bands performing music videos like gigs instead they made a narrative music video an example of this is Red Hot Chili Peppers song 'By the Way.'

Due to the advances in new media technology meant that many bands can do creative videos on the cheap, due to HD video recorders costing less. This also gave amateur artists to create there own video and also inspire them to be creative.

2010-Present Day

Due to new rise in technology many music videos have became short feature films, that are filmed in very high quality and use special effects and stunts. An example of this is Dr Dre music video 'I Need a Doctor' This video also shows how advertising has made its way into music videos with the use of synergy, an example of this would be the doctors using the hp tablets.  

With the rise of a new music genre called Dubstep which appeals to younger audience, this means that many of the music videos revolve around partying so that there audience can relate to it.